Top 10k strings from Stop-Reveal (1985)(Kerr)(Side B).tzx
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4 DISSEMBLER 2 SECRETS @ 2 ;"PRESS C TO CONTINUE": 1 statement" 1 of same colour, it is caused by theControl Characters being POKEd into the line (see page 183 of Sinclair Manual). Three ways to see full Listing:"'"1. By LLIST to ZX-Printer. 2. By making 1 but will NOT start.";'"(STOPs with message Tape Error)"; 1 any BASIC program"'' 1 To make keyboard Beep louder,tryPOKE 23609,50 1 To check if your Spectrum is 48Kor 16K, enter 1 SECRETS OF THE TRADE 1 Program: STOP 1 OBTAIN INFO ON YOUR PROGRAM BEFORE USING MY PROGRAMS"''"1. LOAD ""HEAD"""''"2. PLAY in your tape. Will give info from start of each prog part.(States if Headerless)"''"3. Write down the info displayed"''"CANNOT GIVE ANY INFO IF PROGRAM IS HEADERLESS;(DISS PROG WILL).": 1 HEADER READER 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Bytes progs & REVEALhidden Basic in a Bytes program."; 1 After using STOP programReset your Spectrum by 1 A flashing "; 1 ;"SECRETS OF THE TRADE": 1 ;"PRESS C 1 ;"ALL OPTIONS EXPECT SMALL LETTERS": 1 ;" can be used insteadof the "; 1 35000(or higher). NOTE: Minimum safeaddress is 31500,but suggest use35000 as easier to remember. To look at the ROM, when asked for START ADDRESS, enter 5-digitaddress (00000 if to be from thebeginning of ROM). Machine-Code in REM in a Basic prog can only be Dissembled if prog turned into Bytes & Saved to tape by:"'" 1 35000 it then loadsinto 35000 instead of it's usualplace & would Stop."''"Programs of length 49152 are toolong to relocate BUT usually aremainly BASIC Saved as BYTES!!!": 1 23755,Length"'"Length is given by Header Reader" 1 23731.Prints 65367 if 48K (32599if 16K).The 1 23730+256* 1 23617,236 before any 1 0 resets theSpectrum to be same as Switch-on 1 0 & bringingdown line by using EDIT. 3. Bring down line by EDIT then press CAP-SHIFT & 7 just once.IfCursor doesn't move, press CAP-SHIFT & 0 key. Repeat action if necessary till Cursor does move." 1 0 thenenter 1 ***PRESS R TO RESTART PROGRAM*** 1 ''" SELECT INSTRUCTIONS BY NUMBER"; 1 '"WARNING: This program CANNOT be Stopped by BREAK key. Trying to do so will lock-up the Computer.Lock-up will also occur if Bytesprogram you Load in is too long or Loaded-in too low. Could LoadBytes into Print-Buffer, but theaction of Printing-Out would be to delete them."; 1 '"To prevent LISTing of programs use POKE 23659,0. Some programs use POKE 23613,0 but this is notas reliable. If using 23659 thenensure all 1 '"Auto-Start BYTES programs can beSTOPped by simply loading into adifferent location. It you enterLOAD """" 1 '" Use to 1 "To hide a line enter the line Nothen press CAP-SHIFT then 7 key.Rest of lines would be invisibleif PAPER was WHITE. Can do this part way thro' lines also.": 1 "The REVEAL program can STOP themand will display all the Basic. Shorter Bytes programs which arenormally a full program all in Machine-Code, usually have a fewlines of Basic included in them.Again the REVEAL program revealsthe hidden Basic. In such cases the Machine-Code will be presentbut invisible. Could look at theCodes by PEEKing, etc." 1 "If first line is line 0, then itcannot be EDITed.Can change thisby entering POKE 23756,1. If in Microdrive Mode,use 23814."'" 1 "If a program just shows one linetry LISTing next one. If it hasMachine-Code in a REM, then yourSpectrum may not be able to showall line. (Have to use DISS to see Codes). If lines are partly invisible due to 1 "8";"Enter 1,2 or 3" 1 "8";"4...STOPPER"'' 1 "8";"3...DISSASSEMBLER"'' 1 "8";"2...REVEALER"'' 1 "8";"1...HEADER READER"'' 1 "7";"Select 1,2,3,4 or 5" 1 "7";"(5...RESTART PROGRAM)"; 1 "7";" PRESS C TO CONTINUE " 1 "6";"Wait for message PLAY YOUR TAPE "' 1 "6";"The STOP program WILL Stop them." 1 "6";"STOP program IS just one ""tone"" ": 1 "5";"SELECT WHICH REQUIRED"; 1 "5";"3...DELETE THIS PROGRAM"; 1 "5";"2...SECRETS OF THE TRADE"; 1 "5";"1...INSTRUCTIONS"; 1 "1";"Before & After using REVEAL mustReset your Spectrum by 1 "'''"Use DISS to find Start/Length ofHeaderless-Files, by LOADing theprogram BEFORE the File on your tape & look for something like:"''" LD IX,16384"'" LD DE,8800"'" LD A,255"'" SCF"'" CALL 1366"''"Value after IX is CODE START value after DE is CODE LENGTH"''"Use the values found for REVEAL program to Reveal File.": 1 "''"USE THIS 1 "''"Occupies Low Memory, which meansBytes prog to be Dissembled mustbe Loaded by 1 "''"After each full screen gives theoption to Alter Start Address, Continue, Copy to ZX-Printer or Load in another Bytes program. At this point, could press s keyto Stop & delete ALL the program"' 1 "'"Bytes program for Dissembly may be Loaded before or after ""DISS""is Loaded."''"LOAD ""DISS""CODE gives messageasking if Bytes already Loaded. Press y or n key. If n, asks forname of YOUR Bytes prog then foraddress you intend it to Load into. Put your Bytes prog in tape player & set to Play.When LoadedOR if pressed y in answer to themessage previously,gives messageSTART ADDRESS? Enter the 5-digitaddress you want Dissembly to befrom. NOTE: MUST BE 5-DIGITS by pressing 5 number keys one at a time (and do NOT press Enter)." 1 ""STOP"" stop tape when themessage: 1 ""REVEAL"""''" 1 " Most BASIC can be Stopped byMERGE """" instead of LOAD """". Some programs are ""Anti-Merge"" &lock-up if MERGEd. (They've had the 2 Bytes holding last line NoPOKEd to be over 62000)."' 1 appears on top corner of video. Spectrumnow waiting for you to do Step 2"'''" 1 Wind YOUR tape to be just pastthe Header(If has one) & Play inyour tape. Program will LOAD butnot RUN.May give strange patternon video.Press BREAK & LIST the program.Basic will be revealled if any.Machine-Code would need the DISS program to display it. NOTE: May need to use methods asin SECRETS to reveal any Basic." 1 Wind YOUR tape to be just pastthe Header (this is a short toneburst)."''" 1 Play your tape. Your programwill 1 Enter START address"''" 1 Enter LENGTH": 1 as any attempt to print messageson bottom 2 lines of screen willcrash program." 1 PRESS M TO RETURN TO MENU